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Human evolution essay

Human evolution essay

Reference IvyPanda. Besides, all of the changes and upgrading of the human body that the scientists are preparing to do inspire the argument that humans gradually are moving towards the complete merger with their devices and obtaining human evolution essay qualities of cyborgs. Evolution of Labor Unions Solidarity Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Over the past few decades, though, and with the advent of increasingly sophisticated technology, Human esource management has changed from human evolution essay people to employ people, develop people, and track the utilization and compensation of their services. Primates have five digits on their forelimbs. As earlier indicated, human evolution essay, this is attributable to the rapid pace of the environments in which human beings moved into resulting from cities and agriculture.

Reference List

Human evolution is the origin and evolution of Homo sapiens as a species that can be distinguished from other hominids, great apes, and mammals. Neanderthals are a unique species as they can be either classified as a subspecies of Homo sapiens as Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, or can be classified as a distinct and separate species as Homo neanderthalensis. Though Neanderthals are presently considered an extinct species, evidence indicates that H. sapiens and Neanderthals, at one point, mated with each other. It is believed that Neanderthals inhabited Europe and parts of western and central Asia as far back astoyears ago. Evidence that Neanderthals and H. sapiens coexisted was discovered in France and Israel.

Further investigation and analysis of fossils found in these areas indicate that Neanderthals, as well as H. sapiens, were skilled human evolution essay, used fire, cared for their sick and injured, and possibly communicated through a…. Works Cited: Bradt, Steve. Accessed 4 May Retrieved from. Human Biology Human Evolution in Africa The human human evolution essay in Africa is a drawn out process of transformation by which natives' originated from the apelike ancestors, human evolution essay. Scientific study shows that behavioral traits and physical traits shared by the people came from the apelike ancestors over approximation of six million years ago.

The earliest traits were the bipedalism is walking using the two rear limbs. Other human trait was the ability to make and use tools by using their own intelligence, and capacity for the language developed recently Philip Human evolution has been used to show how humans originated and how they adapted to situations many years ago. It was argued that the human evolution human evolution essay due to humans implications towards the environment. The adaptive responses were serious implications of infectious diseases. The African continent is termed as the Cradle of human kind human evolution essay many explorers, among the archeologists and…, human evolution essay.

Reference Billion Years, human evolution essay. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN Gould, S. The structure of evolutionary theory. Cambridge, human evolution essay, MA: Harvard University Press, Joan, B. How humans Evolved. New York: Norton. McHenry, H. Cambridge, Massachusetts. This postmodern view of culture is applicable in the 20th century analyses and discussions introduced by oyd and Richerson. In effect, the first assumption explicates how culture brings forth history, and in history, "qualitative different trajectories" occur: " the dynamics of the system must be path dependent; isolated populations or societies must tend to diverge even when they start from the same initial condition and evolve in similar environments" After establishing the potential, crucial role that culture and generally, history, human evolution essay, plays in the human evolution, oyd and Richerson then explicated on the interdependence of science and culture in the evolutionary process.

The authors posited, as mentioned earlier in the introduction, that culture induces the evolutionary process in the same way science does. According to the authors, evolutionary process is influenced by "cultural analogs," enumerated as random forces, natural selection, and decision-making forces. Random forces are considered "chance transmissions" that may…. Bibliography Acerbi, a. Boyd, R. And P. In History and Evolution. Nitecki Ed. NY: University of New York Press. Hanson, F. Walker, human evolution essay, C. Human Evolution Heading? The evolution human evolution essay the human being has been the subject of constant research since technology has enabled scientists to have a more technical and elaborated approach on this theme.

The results of such research are remarkable and at the same time contradictory. Apparently, according to research conducted, although people have evolved in terms of eating habits, human evolution essay, resources available, and living conditions, these evolutions enable them to sometimes use the results to change the human in itself, for instance through the choice of DNA and the desire for perfect traits to improve the next generations Shute, At the same time though, the discovery and research of DNA has enabled human kind to avoid the reproduction of mutations and to overall provide a better quality of gens for people.

Given the rapid growth of the population by comparison to 10, years ago, these changes are significant because they…. Africa" to "Out of Beringia": Can Population Genetics Explain the Mechanisms underlying the formation of Distinct Cultures and Linguistic Groups? According to this theory populations of anatomically modern H. sapiens humans left the African Continent sporadically over a period of 10's of thousands of years and these outward migrations constitute the genetic origins of all non-Africans. The results from these studies in world population genetics paint a fascinating history of our species' gradual and sporadic entry into the rest of the world, a history that only a few decades ago was more theory than fact. The "Out of Africa" theory gained support when researchers compared genetic markers in the mitochondrial DNA mtDNA from Africans and non-Africans.

References Campbell, M. The evolution of human genetic and phenotypic variation in Africa. Current Biology, 20, RR Sandoval, K. Linguistic and maternal genetic diversity are not correlated in Native Mexicans. Human Genetics, The term mosaic evolution is used to describe the different features of an organism evolve at different rates. The efficient bipedal movement is a peculiarity that appeared very early and perhaps is the single most significant development in the emergence of man. Since this information is available from New Haven Teachers Institute, Yale, the information is accurate and reliable. Skybreak, Ardea. Part 6D: The Two Biggest Leaps in Hominid Evolution: The Science of Evolution, the Evolution of Human Beings.

evolutionary WorkerJanuary 12, htm The process of evolution that links the modern human beings to the ancient ape ancestors revealed a number of key stages and milestones. The development of bipedalism in the line of apes is considered to the most important key stage in the evolutionary process. Secondly, the significant evolutionary modification apparently related to an overall 'slowing down' of hominid developmental rates that…. References Broker, Stephen P. Accessed on 23 November, Carrier, David R. The Energetic Paradox of Human Running and Hominid Evolution. Current Anthropology.

Accessed on 23 November, Farabee, M, human evolution essay. Human Evolution. Accessed on 23 November, Skybreak, Ardea. Revolutionary Worker. No:January 12, Accessed on 23 November, Zoology Relics of Human Evolution Vemeonasal organ. The vemeonasal organ is a little pit on each side human evolution essay the septum that is lined with nonfunctioning chemoreceptors. It may have been used for pheromone-detecting ability. Extrinsic ear muscles. These three muscles most likely made it possible for prehominids to move their ears independently, in the manner of many mammals, human evolution essay, such as rabbits and dogs, human evolution essay.

Many people can learn to wiggle their ears because of these muscles. Wisdom teeth. Early humans had to chew a lot of plants to get enough calories to survive, so another row of molars helpful. Today, human evolution essay, only about five human evolution essay of the population has a functioning set of these third molars, which are often removed to avoid problems when they don't fully emerge or emerge sideways. Neck rib. A set of cervical ribs appear in less than one percent of the population. They often contribute to nerve…. Cultural and Climate Effects on Human Evolution Cultural group selection's contribution to the progression of cooperation among humans is intensely contested.

A majority of human behavior impacted by culturally diffused human evolution essay including religious views does not seem adaptively sensible. hether or not strong socio-biological reasons are available for explaining such behavior marks the focal point of arguments between sociologists and critics of sociology. There are, in theory as well as possibly in fact, several instances, which combine aspects of both. Evolution in the cultural context, by adopting Darwin's model, is portrayed as a process of inheritance co-evolving with genes. Adaptive qualities as well as series processes are displayed, resulting in maladaptive deviation Richerson and Robert This paper's primary objective is employment of new analytical strategies that utilize the current scientific base, thus allowing rigorous testing of the manner in which mankind's evolution and species' adaptability is influenced by culture….

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He noticed that, flies laid eggs on the uncovered piece of meat and so many new flies had born. But the covered piece of meat had not produced any new fly, as there was absolutely no access of flies. Redi tried to establish the fact, that living organisms cannot be originated spontaneously from inorganic components. More or less at the same time, Leuwenhock — by studying several microorganisms like protozoa, sperm, bacteria etc. under microscope declared that the spontaneous generation was possible for the microorganisms. Later, Louis Pasteur also studied much to furnish evidences in support of spontaneous creation. In fact, scientists of this period were perplexed in finding out how life began spontaneously as a matter of chance.

Philosophers, Thinkers and Scientists all had submitted their varied thought and propositions regarding the nature and mechanism of origin of life on earth. Different religions had also put forth different concepts in this connection. You must be logged in to post a comment. Your Article Library Home Static Main Menu Home Share Your Files Disclaimer Cookie Statement Privacy Policy Contact Us Prohibited Content Prohibited Content Image Guidelines Plagiarism Prevention Content Filtrations Terms of Service Account Disabled. Related Articles: Evolution of Plants: Essay on the Evolution of Plants Evolution of Human Resources Management — Essay. Speech on Copyrights: Meaning and Objectives. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply.

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The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". cookielawinfo-checkbox-others 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Technological inventions and products quickly found their places in human life and households. Complicated procedures became more accessible, the time sent conducting them shorter, and their planning and practice more precise.

Several decades ago the products of technological progress resulted in a massive passion for consumption and home improvement by means of adding various devices to it. Owning technological helpers gradually became an indicator of good social status and high level of financial success. The general passion for technological devices was even reflected in the works of well known artists such as Jeff Koons. Today we cannot imagine our existence without the goods of technological progress such as coffee makers, washing machines, lawn mowers and cars. However, the inventions that truly conquered our hearts are computers and, of course, the internet.

For the majority of contemporary people leaving home without a smart phone equals to temporarily losing one of their body parts. People stripped of the ability to use their devices or the internet feel disabled, disconnected and left out. Clark claims that not so long ago it occurred to him that humans were nothing but natural born cyborgs, this idea seems very meaningful in the light of the latest events and all the influences humans experience from the side of digital technologies and the internet.

Many researchers and experts today theorize about the possible causes of the technological progress the humanity experiences these days and about the various probable outcomes of this phenomenon. One of the main principles of the operation of the modern computers is the process of memory retrieval. In order to work with files we ask the computer to retrieve them from a certain memory cell where they normally are stored. Human minds work according to the same principle. Basically, everything we think about is based on recollection of various experiences and facts, in order to address these facts, our brain retrieves memories about, and this is done voluntarily based on our own request Donald There is no scientific proof of the existence of such ability in the animal world, which means that humans are the only animals that have the capacity to retrieve their own memories voluntarily and signalizes about some mysterious happening that influences the evolution of human minds and made them so much different from the minds of other primates or mammals.

While the past of this ability is a big mystery, its present is outstanding — humans learnt how to create machines working in a similar way to their minds and are currently trying to improve these machines to make them even more human-like. This inspires many authors to think about the possible results of this work in the future. Another theory refers to a much closer future and explores the changes that could happen in the human world in digital technologies based on artificial intelligence and advanced software entered and started to dominate various spheres of our life such as health care, heavy machinery operation or manufacturing. One of the logically possible results of the heavy use of artificial intelligence at the workplaces in the future is high rate of unemployment in the areas where the computerized work process would eliminate job opportunities for people Lanier, Besides, it would enforce a great cultural disruption, the roots of which can be observed today already — the digitalization and transformation of human minds from creative to analytical Lanier, In the contemporary society artistic professions are highly not popular, while experts of IT, software developers and programmers are the preferred employees.

All-consuming digitalization of life would lead to the inevitable digitalization and computerization of traditional human ways of thinking, which would happen rather fast due to our predisposition to that and our initial being something that Clark calls naturally born cyborgs. There is one more theory about the possible future of artificial intelligence and technological development. Many of the devices created by humans are directed at simplifying human life and helping us cope with difficult situations. Contemporary medicine employs robots that replace human surgeons during different procedures; it also operates a variety of devices made to improve the work of human bodies. Some of them are prosthetic and bionic body parts and organs designed to help damaged bodies to function fully.

The claim about people being naturally born cyborgs is supported by all of these facts. Besides, all of the changes and upgrading of the human body that the scientists are preparing to do inspire the argument that humans gradually are moving towards the complete merger with their devices and obtaining more qualities of cyborgs. For example, the evolutionary development that allowed the invention of complex languages and speech was tightly connected with the capacity of voluntary memory retrieve, which took around two million years to occur. As a result, language represents a system of verbal codes representing and expressing abstract notions and thoughts. This means that through the process of evolution human mind did not only develop an ability to memorize and operate notions, but also code them and pass them in a verbal form to other human beings.

Later, the writing, another way of coding appeared. Computers and other advanced technologies were developed and designed t work according to the same principle of coding and decoding fragments of information and performing various operations with it. The nerves in human body and the neurons in human brain have a function of contacts inside of the computers. Misfiring neurons lead human body malfunctions such as epilepsy, for example, while misfiring contacts produce a glitch in computers. Surgeons and scientists today work on studying the relationships between various nerves. By means of their computerized stimulation the doctors can make our bodies perform functions such as movements and reflexes, provide communication between the brain an various body parts to heal paralyzed patients, reprogram or redirect various impulses to cure misfiring nerves, establish or destroy connections between them Doidge, We often forget how much a human body is similar to a very complex computer.

By bringing more technologies to our lives and using them daily for decades, people found ways to improve and upgrade their computers, and at the same time they allowed the computers influence human way of thinking. This creates a cycle of mutual influence between the natural and artificial intelligence. People modifies computers, computers modify people. It is a well known fact that digital devices are a huge part of human life in the world of nowadays. Modern start being children are introduced to the computers at a very early age. Sometimes it can be surprising for the adults to see how quickly their toddlers learn to launch various programs on the computers, perform operations that they only saw once and within days become better with the devices than their grandparents, for example.

The scientists have a theory that the generations of people that never encountered computers in their childhood and the ones that grew up knowing how to use a computer have very different kind of thinking Carr, Besides, today the development of technologies and the heavy use of them in the society produce multiple impacts. For example, writing starts to be practiced less and less, hand written documents, messages and letters are no longer popular. Such creative occupations as painting, composing music, or designing clothes are often done by means of using computer software. This means that some functions of our brains start to gradually degenerate and get replaced with other skills and abilities, all of which have to do with the use of technologies.

Our minds learn and adapt to various types of interface very quickly because they are originally comfortable functioning this way. It turns out that people created digital devices and these devices served to digitalize human way of thinking, which came easy because we no longer live in the world that made our brains adjust and adapt to various situations and conditions created by nature.

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