Same speaker throughout the whole speech, William Hollis — listed in the description Reply. You can not grow without struggle. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Home Fearless Motivation - Born Ready, motivational speech essay. It is good in many ways and adds confidence to us. This site motivational speech essay Akismet to reduce spam.
It’s Not Easy, But It’s Worth It – Motivational Speech
Struggles, challenges and hard times offer you much more value than any other time in your life. You can not grow without struggle. You can not get STRONGER without resistance. Think about a time in your life that may have been hard, but forced you to become better. Get grateful for the struggles and Motivational speech essay on yourself to ensure your future has much more PLEASURE than PAIN. Download or Stream To ANY DEVICE, Worldwide: iTunesGooglePlayAmazonMP3motivational speech essay, SpotifyApple Music Struggle Makes You Stronger Motivational Speech — Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright: Fearless Motivation Speaker: William Hollis. Struggle Makes You Stronger Motivational Speech by Fearless Motivation — WATCH FREE on YouTube:.
Imagine if you got what you want, every time. No struggle. No hard work. No challenges. No hard work required. PAIN is your friend, motivational speech essay. Maybe not in the moment. But for the evolution of your soul, for the long term benefit of you as a stronger human being — pain IS YOUR FRIEND. You were given pain because you are strong motivational speech essay to handle it. You were given this LIFE because you are strong enough to live it. Because you are strong enough to drive though it. To THRIVE THROUGH IT. To inspire others through it. You are stronger than you think. Know that it was sent for a reason and a lesson. It might be to make you stronger, it might be to teach you patience, it might be for you to show others your spirit, there is a reason.
You have a purpose motivational speech essay this world. And you will only find it if you keep going and keep GROWING. Share: Struggle Makes You Stronger Motivational Speech — Motivational Video on Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus by clicking the share buttons below. Leave a comment below and join the TeamFearless community. Do you want to be a LESSON?! Because lessons are born in the valley of STRUGGLE. Great videos! What is the name of the speaker who kicks in about ? Motivating beyond words. The idea which you have shared is right. Struggle makes people stronger and that is a biggest fact. Last day I have gone through one blog called Leadlife blog by Sean Hughes and I consider it as one of the best lifestyle blogs and it was truly motivating. I believe it.
It is the fact struggle comes from our strength, thats why we feel miserable but if we fight against to our problem there is a reason we can live in happiness. You can not develop STRENGTH without resistance, without challenging yourself, without struggle. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn motivational speech essay your comment data is processed. Home Fearless Motivation - Born Ready. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email Reddit. Our greatest STRUGGLES form our greatest STRENGTHS Click to Tweet. KEEP GOING. KEEP GROWING. Click to Tweet. You have survived all your challenges, motivational speech essay, and you will survive whatever is coming Click to Tweet.
Fear is only a fictional movie A made up concept There is nothing to fear. Wow great Reply, motivational speech essay. What a powerful piece of thought Reply. It was dark when I woke, motivational speech essay. This is a ray of sunshine. Any feed back would Be great. Same speaker throughout the whole speech, William Hollis — listed in the motivational speech essay Reply. life is full of challenges we should be ready to handle it comment or explain please give a good answer for this Reply. whoa its so MaRVELOUS Reply.
Like a motivational speech essay Reply. bloop says its good Reply, motivational speech essay. Such an inspirational thoughts… Love it…. A really really POWERFUL motivation for us in the hustle mode! Great one Reply. Amazing, motivation is power. I love it. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Send this to a friend. Send Cancel.
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Motivation is defined as a state of mind when everything seems positive and we have a different kind of enthusiasm to complete our work. It is good in many ways and adds confidence to us. It is not every time we are successful but to start a new phase, we need some motivation. Once we are motivated, we start with new energy and hope. Motivation works like glucose and gives us energy. It is just a feeling and it can be anyone the source of motivation for you, either a person, a book, a celebrity, a teacher, parents, your dreams, etc. The source which inspires us to perform best and achieve our goals are our source of motivation.
The way our teachers inspire us to get good marks. Our parents inspire us to try and learn new things; all are different sources of motivation. It was my father who taught me how to ride a bicycle. But when I fell for the first time, I just refused to learn. But my father motivated me as a result it is an easy task for me today. So, watching videos and talking to motivational speakers are not only the sources of motivation but you can learn from anything and from anywhere. We have different feelings and all sum up and make your story of life. The way we laugh, cry, feel sad we also need motivation sometimes. There is always a time in life when we start feeling lost and hopeless and some people also tend towards some unlawful activities like suicide. So, always have a source of motivation in your life, it will not only polish your activities but will also help you to be creative.
The word motivation has been derived from the word motive and it is similar to inspiration. All of us need motivation at different stages of life. Sometimes we need the motivation to fulfill our goals whereas sometimes to live a peaceful life. Either it is a child or a grown-up person all of us need it. It can be anyone either your school teacher or your mother itself, depending on who really understands our situation. From People : It is our mother the best coach in our life, but sometimes some other people understand our goal and target more clearly, so they work as a motivator for us.
In research, it has been found that when we talk to our mother, our brain releases oxytocin in a good amount and it automatically makes us feel good and we start feeling better and motivated. Famous Personalities : Our favorite people like a film star, a sports person, a president, or anyone can be your inspiration. When we like to become like someone, we start following them and they become our motivation. From Animals : There are many animals which keep on motiving us like a dog, which never feels sad and always makes his owner feel happy. An ant, which keeps on falling still starts its journey again and teaches us that we should not stop at our failures. Similarly, there are many more animals that teach us a lot, just keep your eye open and analyze your surroundings.
Nature : Nature has many example-like seasons, it is not every season we like, and still we survive and understand the importance of a good one. Another good example is a river, how it flows and makes its own path from above the mountains up to the sea. It is really inspiring and teaches us to face every problem in our life. Books : One of the best sources of motivation, there are many books available having wonderful experience shared with some beautiful stories. Books are our best friends and the best motivators. It is not only you who may feel low or sad sometimes it happens to everyone and people meet different people and also reach the above-mentioned sources and get motivated.
Motivation works like an energy drink and we start feeling more focused and inspired. So, always have your inspiration with you because it will help you to achieve your goals. Motivation is simply a word but it can simply change your life from normal to an amazing level. A motivated person is also energetic and filled with positivity. When we talk to such people, we start feeling motivated too. It is a feeling which fills us with joy and new hope and hope helps us to achieve our goal and inspires us to try again and again. It can be differentiated into two types, the first one is Internal and the other is External motivation. Internal Motivation : The feel comes like an internal voice, for example, if your handwriting is poor and you want to improve then you will work hard of your own to change your handwriting.
There is an internal pressure that will provoke you and encourage you to become the best. This is an external motivation, it can be your teacher or parents motivating you to improve your handwriting and you will try but not in such a way as your internal motivation works. Watch Movies : There are many movies that have been especially based on some motivational stories. When we watch a movie or a video, we can automatically relate it. Leave a comment below and join the TeamFearless community. I am grateful and Thankful for these speeches. They give me a Strength, and hope! To face another day when sometimes it feels like life is just kicking my butt!!
I will survive, this I know.. However I will do it with the help of these motivational speeches! Thank you, and God Bless!! This wanted to make me go out, run, and do push ups! That was really good. wishing you all grand success in your field. Thanks for your beautiful helpful advice for our success of life. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Home Fearless Motivation - Working On The Dream. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email Reddit. Keep going. Your future self is begging you to stick it out!
Click to Tweet. An easy road never led to a great destination' Click to Tweet. My dream will not be EASY But it will be WORTH IT! Mérci infiniment! The speech are so great, I really love it. I am healed by these most worthiest motivational words. i need more please. thanks very much. Woooow This is out of this world…. Blessed Reply. This is so amazing. I love it. this sucks buttttt Reply. Hi Rob I think so too Reply. can I know what was the background music used in the video? Sounds of Power 6, Easy to be great. Wonderful to learn with the learned. How do I download this speeches Reply. Click one of the links — directing you to whichever music platform you use.
This is a really great speech! I love it! Thanks a lot Reply. Keep it up!
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