Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Princeton essay

Princeton essay

Another direction that you could take when discussing previous engineering experience is to discuss your state of mind when partaking in these activities. Absolutely not. An elected civilian police accountability council, princeton essay. Or would you choose the engineering major who answers the same question with her love for candlemaking and Dolly Parton? In Princeton essay. It can involve anything that has to do with helping others on any scale.

Princeton Essay Prompts

The Princeton supplemental essays cover a wide range of topics, from extracurricular activities to favorite books and movies—even how you spend your summer. While the breadth and depth of the Princeton essay questions may seem overwhelming, consider that they may be doing you a favor by giving you a chance to share more okay, a lot more about who you are beyond your grades and test scores. If you want to get a clearer sense of all that Princeton is looking for, you can explore an extensive, by-the-numbers look at its offerings, from enrollment and tuition statistics to student life and financial aid information, on its Common Data Set. And for insights into how the university envisions itself and its role, and how it wants to grow and evolve, read its strategic plan.

Reading through these will give you a strong idea of what Princeton values. Briefly elaborate on an activity, organization, work experience, or hobby that has been particularly meaningful to you, princeton essay. Please respond in about words. At Princeton, we value diverse perspectives and the ability to have respectful dialogue about difficult issues. Share a time when you had a conversation with a person or a group of people about a difficult princeton essay. What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your princeton essay in the future? Princeton has a longstanding commitment to service and civic engagement. Tell us princeton essay your story intersects or will intersect with these ideals.

For Applicants Pursuing an A. Degree or are Undecided : As a research institution that also prides itself on its liberal arts curriculum, Princeton allows students to explore areas across the humanities and the arts, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. What academic areas most princeton essay your curiosity, and how do the programs offered at Princeton princeton essay your particular interests? For Applicants Pursuing a B. Degree: Please describe why you are interested in studying engineering at Princeton. Include any of your experiences in, or exposure to engineering, and how you think the programs offered at the University suit your particular interests.

Rather than just state what you did point-blank, make it resonate for the reader by connecting it to some aspect of what makes you, well, you, princeton essay. This just makes things more engaging and dynamic overall. In fact, probably name the problem in the princeton essay couple sentences. Then, tell us what you did about it. Then what you learned. In our experience, this tends to be easier than writing a very short version and then trying to figure out what to add. If possible, connect your time and energy with a meaningful outcome. During my first year climbing, princeton essay, I spent much time contemplating all possible routes and strategies.

Sometimes it is better to just go for it. Had Princeton essay known the amount of reading ahead of me, I may not have started my research on Neo-Confucianism, princeton essay. Start off with something kind of unexpected. It creates princeton essay and also shows us that the author is willing to be vulnerable. Make connections. Although this essay is primarily about one activity climbingthe author cleverly weaves in connections to other activities. She notes that the lessons she learned from climbing have given her the guts to write her own play and the motivation to start research on Neo-Confucianism.

Although you actually do have to choose only one activity to answer this prompt, this is a great example of how you can use connections to princeton essay more parts of yourself. Show growth. At the start of this essay, the author is at an impasse, princeton essay. Impossible or manageable? The growth she demonstrates is subtle, but the fact that she can princeton essay on it well makes her essay stand out. Choose an uncommon topic if you can. But many students write about those things. When I joined the Durham Youth Commission, a group of students chosen to represent youth interests within local government, I met Miles. After that, my notion of normal princeton essay never be the same.

A melting pot of ideologies, skins, princeton essay, socio-economic classes, faiths, and educations, the DYC is a unique collaborative enterprise. Even now, our experiences are like an elaborate network of roads: weaving, bumping, and diverging in unexpected ways. The Commission allowed us to bring our individual experiences into a shared space of empathy. And I talked about being born in Tokyo, moving to London, and princeton essay in North Carolina, finding a way to call each place home. My experience in this dynamic space of affirmation and engagement has made me a more thoughtful person and listener. Listening empathetically helped us envision multifaceted solutions to issues facing 21st-century youth.

Reconciling disparate lifestyles and backgrounds in the Commission has prepared me to become a compassionate leader, eager to both expand perspectives and take collaborative action. Use the prompt to structure your essay, princeton essay. The great princeton essay about this prompt is that it gives you a distinct narrative structure to follow as you write, princeton essay. At a basic level, you might structure your outline like this: a difficult conversation, b insight, and c what now, or what next? If you look at this essay, it pretty much uses this format. Bring it back to you. Although the prompt asks you to talk about a conversation you had with someone else, remember that the person reading your application princeton essay wants to know more about you.

In this essay, princeton essay, the writer mentions important things she learned from Witnessa, Miles, and Mrs. She even works in details about her Jewish traditions and year abroad in London into the conversation. These show she has something to bring to the table without trying to overshadow the stories of the other people she talks about. Think about how you can weave yourself into the story as you write. This will make you an active participant rather than a passive observer in your story. Consider using a hook. This first sentence draws us in. Important: Be careful not to use violence or harm in an overly gratuitous way. But this author toes the line well. You can also bring people in with a funny anecdote or insight, maybe even a pithy one-liner.

Two questions to ask yourself as you brainstorm topics for this prompt:. What sort of service and civic engagement projects have you been involved with? Your Activities List is a good place to start. If so, it may be a candidate for a Super Essay. Do you have meaningful examples and anecdotes that bring the values of service and civic engagement to life—like the club you started to teach chess to princeton essay, or the recycling project you led in your neighborhood, or the comedy skits you put on for the local senior center? Your topic of choice should be something you genuinely care about. If so, consider connecting your goals with unique resources at the university, princeton essay. This might make up just the end of your essay. Note that this was written for a different school, and the word limit is longer, but the principles here apply.

When I joined the Durham Youth Commission, I met Miles. Drawing its nearly thirty members from a spectrum of public, charter, and private high schools, princeton essay, the DYC is a group of motivated students chosen to represent youth interests within the Durham County government. To say it is diverse would be an understatement. It is a melting pot of ideologies, princeton essay, skins, socio-economic classes, faiths, and educations that is nearly unparalleled in Durham. However, I soon realized that the members of the DYC never let princeton essay differences become an obstacle to understanding.

The DYC became an outlet for us to bring our individual experiences into a shared space of empathy. Miles recounted heartbreaking stories about boys who are brutally punished for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And I talked about being born in Tokyo, moving to North Carolina, and living in London for a year, finding a way to call each place home. Honest discourse takes place at every meeting, adding new facets to my knowledge of the local community. My experience in this dynamic space of affirmation and engagement has shaped me into a more thoughtful person and listener. We learn from each other and use our differences to come up with multifaceted solutions for issues facing 21st-century youth.

It is that motivation to solve real problems through cooperation and tolerance that I would bring to the Macalester community. Reconciling disparate lifestyles and backgrounds has prepared me to become a compassionate leader at Macalester, a place where I can both expand perspectives and take collaborative action. Prompt 4: What is a new skill you would like to learn in college? Here are some general tips to get you started on the short-answer portion of the Princeton application:. Consider that each of your short answers, no matter how short, is princeton essay tiny window princeton essay your soul. Make sure the princeton essay finds something inside that's awesome and different from the window before. So use it up! In other words, you can answer "why," even if the prompt doesn't ask you to.

Do this because your core values may be hard to express in words. Get creative. Push boundaries a little. Speaking of which If you're funny in life, feel free to be funny in your short answers, princeton essay. If you're not funny, no need to start now.

essay on family values

Don't make this a list. It's easy to go into the details of all the stuff you do in your chosen activity, job, or hobby, but it's important to take it a step further and describe what the activity means to you. Don't get too bogged down in reciting your job description and lose focus of the story behind it. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your response if you choose to write about the activity that is most meaningful to you. Think about where you are and what you're doing when you're feeling the most invigorated, and write about that activity in your response. Try to identify the aspects of your activity that make you feel the most alive and fulfilled, then describe those aspects of your activity in your response. You won't be able to include every little detail about your activity, and that's okay.

What's important is that you offer your interpretation of the importance of that activity in your life. This doesn't have to be some life-shattering revelation, but you should definitely highlight what your activity means to you. What you find meaningful about your activity is ultimately up to you, but you want to make sure you briefly describe it in your response. The "Your Voice" essays are designed to help Princeton admissions counselors get to know you better. The "Your Voice" supplement section consists of two required, approximately word essays. The prompts for these essays below are asking you to give Princeton admissions a sense of how your past and ongoing experiences shape the kind of student you will be at Princeton.

In other words, the "Your Voice" supplement is asking you to show evidence that you live out values that fit with Princeton's values. So, to answer these two required questions, start thinking about points in your ongoing story that reflect your commitment to having hard conversations and serving others. We'll get into the specifics of how to write about your story in response to each prompt next. At Princeton, we value diverse perspectives and the ability to have respectful dialogue about difficult issues. Share a time when you had a conversation with a person or a group of people about a difficult topic. What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your thinking in the future?

The first of the required "Your Voice" supplements is asking you to show that you're capable of engaging in civil discourse with others —even when the topic of conversation is tough to talk about. By describing a time when you shared in a convo about a difficult topic, you'll also demonstrate that you can push through uncomfortable situations and learn something new along the way. To respond to this prompt, you'll need to tell a story. Start by thinking of a specific conversation you've had and what you learned from it, and how that learning informs who you're becoming and who you'll be as a student at Princeton.

Thinking of a challenging experience that seems meaningful enough to include in an application essay might feel well, challenging. Nevertheless, you want your story to be as truthful as possible. Princeton Admissions knows that you probably didn't change the world from one conversation. What they want to know is that you're willing to have tough conversations. So, pick a memory of a real conversation, recall as many details about what happened in the conversation as you can, and draft a description of the situation that's as true to real events as possible. Did you learn something new during the difficult conversation you're writing about? Explain what you learned from it in your response! For instance, perhaps you learned that being a nonjudgmental listener can help others feel more comfortable with listening to what you have to say.

Whatever you learned, make sure you describe it in your response. This will show Princeton Admissions that you're open to learning and growing. How will the knowledge you gained from this difficult conversation shape your behavior as a Princeton student? Think about what college is like: you'll be encountering students, faculty, and staff from all over the world. This means you'll be in constant contact with different values, cultures, and ways of thinking about the world. Princeton wants to know that you're prepared to participate in this environment in positive ways! Even if the conversation you're describing was incredibly frustrating, don't insult the other people who were involved.

Instead, show empathy toward the people you spoke with. Princeton Admissions wants to know that you're a person who can extend empathy to many different kinds of people to be a good student and citizen. Don't brag about what you accomplished. Instead, focus on what you learned from the conversation --even if you think that the other people involved were totally wrong and you were totally right. Admissions counselors want to know that you learned from your experience. Tip 1: Pick a convo that impacted you. You should definitely write about a conversation that was meaningful to you, rather than one that you think is impressive or controversial.

Take time to reflect on tough conversations you've had before drafting your response, and make sure you pick one that impacted you in some way. Tip 2: Connect the topic to college life. While you obviously need to describe the topic of your difficult conversation and how you handled it, a crucial part of your response is how this convo prepared you to be an engaged, ethical member of the Princeton community. Be sure to focus part of your response on explaining how what you learned will guide your life as a Princeton student.

Princeton has a longstanding commitment to service and civic engagement. Tell us how your story intersects or will intersect with these ideals. When the prompt says "tell us how your story intersects or will intersect with these ideals," it means that you should think of real things you've done or real values you hold that motivate your civic engagement. This is a key part of the story you'll have to share in your response. Basically, the prompt is assuming that who you are and what you value will motivate how you serve others and participate as an engaged citizen. To answer this prompt effectively, then, think about telling the story behind your decision to serve or fulfill your civic responsibilities in a specific way.

The decisions we make about our community involvement are often personal. For instance, maybe someone in your family recovered from cancer as a child, so your story with service involves gathering donations for a pediatric cancer care center in the region where you live. Think about the personal connections that you've made, then include them in your response. Maybe you don't have much experience with service or civic engagement yet, but you have a big vision for how you'll serve and engage in the Princeton community. This prompt is a chance to describe the details of that vision. Alternatively, if you have existing experience with service and civic engagement and want to continue serving in similar ways at Princeton, share your ideas about how you'll accomplish that.

Service and civic engagement are lifelong commitments—describing your ideas about how you'll serve in the future will show that you're prepared for that commitment. While it's likely that the people you've served in the past learned things from you, don't focus your response on describing how wonderful you are. Instead, focus on how your service and civic engagement experiences have refined your values and helped you become a better human, which is what Princeton admissions wants to hear about. If you decide to include a description of how you hope to serve once you get to Princeton, don't get too carried away.

For example, you probably aren't going to get every single Princeton student registered to vote but you can probably make some progress. Be realistic about your ideas for how you'll serve in the future. Princeton admissions just wants you to show dedication to service and civic engagement. They don't expect you to solve all of the world's problems. Tip 1: Tell a story. It's important to coach your answer in the form of a story. Describe who you served, what the service looked like, and why you decided to serve in this way. If possible, connect it to your background, your identity, or your values. Turning your service experience into a story for Princeton admissions will make it more memorable. Tip 2: Describe the impact.

Princeton Admissions doesn't just want to know the story of your past experience with service--they also want to know how the experience continues to impact you today. Describe what you learned from the experience, how it changed you, and how it shapes your current actions and values. Tip 3: Connect it to your future. Connect your story about your service to your vision for your life as a student at Princeton. This will let admissions know that you'll also be an exceptional student outside of the classroom in the Princeton community. The "More About You" short answer section of the Princeton Supplement is your last chance to show who you are: the real person behind all of the stats, scores, and successes that the rest of your application showcases. In fact, the instructions for this required portion of the supplement are clear: "There are no right or wrong answers.

Be yourself! This means that, in 50 words or fewer, you'll need to give admissions counselors a clearer picture of the "you" behind the application. All three of the "More About You" short answer questions are required, and each one gives you a chance to provide a little more context for your desire to be a student at Princeton. To answer this question, all you need to do is describe a skill that you want to learn in college! There are a couple of different ways that you could interpret this prompt. Just remember: answer honestly.

For starters, you could think of the prompt as asking about a skill that you want to learn from your actual college courses. If this is the path you choose, you could write about how you want to learn to produce a podcast, to lead a Socratic Seminar, or to write a winning elevator pitch. Connecting the skill you want to learn to your areas of academic interests is a solid strategy. Alternatively, you could think more generally about any skill you want to learn during your time in college! For example, maybe you struggle with public speaking, and you want to learn to share your ideas more clearly in your classes and your extracurriculars.

Writing about skills that are more oriented towards exploring your identity, background, or interests outside of academics is perfectly fine here too. Whatever skill you decide to write about, it's important to briefly explain why you want to learn that skill. For instance, if you were writing about learning to bake like your grandmother, you might explain that this skill has been passed down in your family for generations, and you'd like to pass it down as well. If you want to learn how to produce a podcast, maybe you'd explain that you were searching for an interesting podcast on Marxist economics, but couldn't find one that had good production quality, so you want to learn how to produce one yourself.

The same principles go for this prompt: write your response about something that genuinely brings you joy. It could be an activity, a person or relationship, or an experience you've had. To answer this question, simply describe the thing that brings you joy. A good answer to this question will identify one specific thing that brings you joy, then describe it with gusto. For example, if the thing that brings you joy is building model planes with your little brother, briefly tell the story of why that experience brings you joy. Maybe you like the challenge of focusing on small details, or perhaps your joy comes from building something with your hands.

Briefly giving these specific details will show how the thing that brings you joy reflects your values and identity --both of which will give more clues as to the kind of person you'll be as a student at Princeton. This short answer is fun! Keep your song selection relatively clean, of course, but otherwise, just think of a song that you're literally listening to on repeat right now , or pick a song that symbolizes your current experience. Then explain why! For example, maybe you'll write about "Inner Child" by BTS because getting ready to leave home for college in the midst of so much has made you reflect on your younger years. Or, if you've literally listened to "my future" by Billie Eilish one thousand times since its release, briefly write about why you can't stop hitting repeat.

Don't overthink this prompt: the music we love reveals things about our personality and how we cope with the realities of our lives. Just be real, and you'll show Princeton admissions another facet of your genuine personality and how you process the world. Tip 0: find a cozy coffee shop to start writing your essay in. To wrap up, here are some final tips to keep in mind as you write your Princeton essays and any other essays for college applications. A vague essay is certain to squelch your chances of getting into Princeton, so make sure you're being as specific as possible in your writing. For example, if you're writing about somebody who inspired you, touch on the little quirks or traits they have to help the admissions committee more easily visualize this person, such as their subtle mannerisms, the way they handled stress, or their perseverance in a difficult situation.

Remember that you're writing about something real, whether that's a person, event, object, or experience. Your aim should be to make the subject of your essay feel as real to your readers as it did and does for you. Other ways to ensure that you're being specific enough in your essay are to use common literary devices such as anecdotes, dialogue an actual conversation you had with someone , imagery, and onomatopoeia. These not only add color to your writing but also paint the subject of your essay in a more effective, relatable way. Lastly, I recommend getting somebody else to read over your essay which I talk about more in tip 4 ; this person can let you know if your writing isn't specific enough and if too much is left to be implied. The whole point of writing an essay for a college application is to show the admissions committee who you are.

In short, what makes you you? This is why it's so critical to use an authentic voice in your Princeton essays. For example, if you love making people laugh and think humor is one of your defining traits , then it might be a good idea to include a joke or two in your personal essay. However, don't exaggerate anything that happened to you or any feelings you might have —the admissions committee will more than likely be able to see through it. Remember that you want your voice and feelings to come across strongly but also and more importantly authentically. Don't claim in your engineering essay that you've liked engineering since you were 3 years old if you only recently developed an interest in it. Lying about or exaggerating anything in your essay will simply make you seem insincere and, yes, even immature.

So avoid it! You'll need to be a decent writer if you're hoping to get into Princeton—one of the most selective universities in the US! On the technical side, this means that your Princeton essays should have no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. If you're unsure about a certain grammar rule, such as how to use a semicolon correctly, feel free to consult our SAT grammar guide for a quick refresher. Writing well also means varying up your sentence lengths and styles in other words, don't start every sentence with "I," even though you're likely talking about yourself. On the more stylistic side, your essays should really grab your audience's attention—and keep it throughout.

Therefore, you'll need to come up with a unique way to hook your readers from the beginning. For example, you could start with a piece of dialogue that someone said to you once I'd avoid famous quotations, though, since these can come across really clichéd. Alternatively, you could start with a memory, opening a description with a strong emotion you had, a sound you heard using onomatopoeia would be a good idea here , or powerful, sensory images of the setting. As a final tip, make a conscious effort to avoid clichés.

These include quotations that have been quoted to death and phrases or idioms that are often overused. Using clichés indicates laziness to the reader and a lack of authenticity in your voice and storytelling. For example, instead of writing, "I woke up at the crack of dawn," you could write something like "I woke up as soon as the sun began to peek over the horizon" if you're the poetic type or even just "I woke up at dawn" if you're more like Hemingway. Here is a lengthy but useful list of clichés to avoid in your writing. Remember that you're ultimately telling a story with your essays, so don't be afraid to get creative and use a variety of literary techniques! Editing isn't a one-step process.

After you finish your rough draft, put your essay away and take it out again a few days or even weeks later to get a fresh perspective on what sounds good and what comes across awkward, unclear, or irrelevant. Do this step numerous times. At this time, you should also be checking for any typos, grammar errors, etc. Once you've done a few editing sessions on your own, give your essay to someone you trust, such as a teacher, counselor, or parent, and have that person look it over and offer any feedback or corrections. Getting another set of eyes to look at your essay can help you catch smaller mistakes you might've failed to notice; it also gives a clearer sense as to what kind of impression your essay will likely leave on the Princeton admissions committee.

If you're applying to Princeton through the Common Application, you'll need to write an essay that answers one of the Common App prompts. Our in-depth guide goes over all the current prompts and gives you expert tips on how to answer them. You can also check out our guide on how to choose a Common App prompt if you're struggling with deciding on the best one for your college application. Not sure what your chances are of actually getting into Princeton? Calculate them with our own college acceptance calculator , and read up on how to submit a versatile college application. Want to write the perfect college application essay?

Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. I wanted to remember everything about the experience, and this forced me to be specific. To this day, when I read the entries, I have a much clearer picture than any camera could provide. I left Saudi Arabia not only with vivid memories but also with an itch to write. At home, I started composing short stories based on my travels as well as poems that responded to my experiences of growing up Muslim American in Texas.

For the first time in my life, I was surrounded by other poets and storytellers—kids from around the world who took writing seriously, and not just as a pastime. I was able to hone my craft and have my work read by published authors, and many of the people I met are still my friends. I also want to deepen my knowledge of important literature, and I know that studying English at Princeton will not only allow me to dive into the canon, it will also teach me to think—and write—critically. Atif hammers home his love of writing and literature in both halves of the answer, without flattening himself. He displays knowledge of the plentiful resources that Princeton has to offer and how they will help him accomplish his goals. Please describe why you are interested in studying engineering at Princeton.

Include any of your experiences in, or exposure to engineering, and how you think the programs offered at the University suit your particular interests. Because Michelle believes she might be interested in an engineering concentration, she decided to write the engineering essay. I remember reading about the first experiments using the large hadron collider and feeling so excited that time travel had finally been achieved! Sure, the time travelers were only subatomic particles, but still. Baby steps. At the same camp, we built our own drones—it was exhilarating going from the blueprint and design stage to seeing our drone whir up into the sky. When I visited Princeton, especially the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering labs, I witnessed an exciting environment where students valued exploration and curiosity.

I especially loved that students from the Princeton Rocketry Club had designed tools for the space program—where else could undergrads work with NASA advisers and contribute directly to space exploration? In short, she sounds like a bright teenager, not someone trying to sound stuffier than her years. STEM students are often tempted to remind admissions readers of their many years of research and even publications. Tons of Princeton applicants will have s on the Math portion of their SATs, and may even have done complex lab research or published papers. There are other places on the application to show that off, though.

Briefly elaborate on an activity, organization, work experience, or hobby that has been particularly meaningful to you. Camila uses this opportunity to discuss her experience volunteering in a nursing home:. At first, I was nervous. What could I say that would match their wisdom and experience? Soon I learned that Hector loved to play guitar. Though his arthritis made it difficult to play, he pressed his calloused fingers to the fretboard and taught me new chords. Sylvia loved gardening and showed me how to plant peppers and cherry tomatoes. In a world where the aged population is the highest in our history and will continue to grow, vocations that take care of the elderly will only become more important. She limits herself to one meaningful pursuit. It has a sense of narrative, with a beginning, middle and end, and a final moment of insight.

She shows that what she learned informs her current interest in public health. Her response is personal and specific. The key words in the question are elaborate and meaningful. That elaboration should come more in the form of good writing than information. A simple lesson that they might carry forward with them will do the trick. Question 3: At Princeton, we value diverse perspectives and the ability to have respectful dialogue about difficult issues. Share a time when you had a conversation with a person or a group of people about a difficult topic. What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your thinking in the future? The summer after sophomore year, I worked as a middle school science camp counselor.

Three other counselors and myself were tasked with planning a series of activities exploring the skeletal system. I enthusiastically came up with ideas and started making plans. But after a few meetings, my teammates stopped following through on their tasks. I felt frustrated, so I took some time to analyze the situation and determine what I could do. They lacked motivation because they were pursuing my vision, not a collaboration of our ideas. I apologized to the group and asked each member to share their suggestions. The resulting activities were infinitely better than what I had originally imagined. Through this experience, I learned how important it is for every team member to have a voice—not only to increase motivation but also because each person brings a unique perspective to the table.

This essay is effective because it shows a bit of vulnerability. Camila admits that she made a mistake, but also demonstrates how she recognized her error and made it right. This displays levels of self-awareness and humility, as well as an ability to grow. Camila also shows that while she is a capable leader, she values collaboration and the interplay of differing perspectives. Question 4: Princeton has a longstanding commitment to service and civic engagement. Tell us how your story intersects or will intersect with these ideals. What does it take to make a difference? Some people had no idea an election was happening. Others wanted to know what my uncle stood for, and even though it was hard to think on my feet, eventually, I could run through the issues with ease.

A safer ward. A ward with more green spaces. Equal investment across all neighborhoods in the ward. An elected civilian police accountability council. People responded to these issues, but they shared their own concerns, too. What did we plan to do about trash in the streets and overflowing dumpsters? How would we address rising rents? How did we plan to fight for funding in the schools? I wrote down these concerns and reported back to my uncle so he had a better idea of what mattered to our neighbors. This was the most important lesson I learned while campaigning: that public policy is about listening to the concerns of real citizens and adjusting your own agenda to meet those concerns. The disparities we face today have complex causes, and the solutions are not always obvious.

But canvassing for my uncle instilled in me the value of listening, not just to a handful of people, or people in power, but to everyone. By listening, we can understand all perspectives, build a network, start conversations, and crowdsource solutions. He begins with a hook—a rhetorical question that entices us to keep reading—and puts himself in scene. His relationship to service and civic engagement is not just hypothetical. Lucas uses the tools of narrative writing to his advantage: characters, images, and scenes. These make his rhetorical question specific, and particular, and therefore memorable. Lucas takes the right approach by focusing on an experience, which then allows him to tell a story. And integral to a story is some sense of change. Lucas manages to tell a personal story and illustrate the internal change and growth that admissions officers are hoping to see.

There are no right or wrong answers. Be yourself! You can take this to mean that your child need not be overly serious. These kinds of questions offer your child an opportunity to be playful, while still expressing genuine interests. Question 5: What is a new skill you would like to learn in college? I would learn Persian. I love language learning, having grown up around Arabic, English, and Spanish. Listening to them helps keep me in touch with my creativity. Question 7: What song represents the soundtrack of your life at this moment? With its world-renowned faculty, regal campus, and vast network of alumni, attending Princeton can be a life-changing experience.

By focusing on the passionate intellectual pursuits and community commitments that make applicants stand out from an otherwise well-qualified field, your child can present a strong case for admission. Shirag Shemmassian is the Founder of Shemmassian Academic Consulting and one of the world's foremost experts on college admissions. For nearly 20 years, he and his team have helped thousands of students get into top programs like Harvard, Stanford, and MIT using his exclusive approach. Medical School Admissions College Admissions. Medical School Admissions MCAT Question of the Day College Admissions. Medical School Admissions Consulting MCAT Tutoring Residency Admissions Consulting. Medical School Admissions College Admissions Medical Residency Admissions MCAT.

Learn About Services Join Our Team. Your Trusted Advisors for Admissions Succes. Blog Admissions and test prep resources to help you get into your dream schools. How hard is it to get into Princeton? Learn strategies and review sample Princeton supplemental essays.

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