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Argumentative essay about same sex marriage

Argumentative essay about same sex marriage

It was exposed that children raised by homosexual couples did worse than the offspring of heterosexual couples in nine of thirteen intellectual and social categories. But they go beyond that. The most common religious argument against same-sex marriage revolves around scripture, which many faith communities believe came directly from the mouth of God, and they interpret scripture to forbid the practice of homosexuality, and by extension, same-sex marriage Baker. However, even if your nearest and dearest, your friends and favorite teachers also stick to neutrality, you still should not argumentative essay about same sex marriage to them. Gay marriage or same-sex marriage is when a man and man or women and a woman get married. This essay was written by a fellow student. Leave comment.

Gay Marriage Debate

Which is a false conclusion based on a bias premise. The only value of marriage that there should be is the unconditional and in this case untraditional love between two people. Not only, do people look down on gay marriage because it is untraditional but because it is different, argumentative essay about same sex marriage. middle of paper Freedom To Marry Same-sex marriage will not negatively harm other marriages or society. In fact, they will help society. Gay marriag While the LGBT community fights for marriage equality, they feel inferior to those capable of being married, argumentative essay about same sex marriage.

Same-sex marriage is not intended to harm heterosexual marriage or affect the function of society. If the economy were under control, it would definitely have a direct positive effect on other areas of the nation including poverty, education, and health care. Additionally, allowing gay marriage promotes a positive, healthy family structure, as well as less confusion for the child and more support services in the community. Opponents will propose various arguments to negate the fact that anything beneficial could come from a same argumentative essay about same sex marriage marriage, but in my opinion the facts are there, and it makes no sense to continue to refute the issue.

Those who argue against the same sex marriages insist that marriage is ordered towards the reproduction of children and that the legal provisions given to marriage are given with argumentative essay about same sex marriage end in view. Marriages needs to protection of laws because society must be anxious about its own preservation and continuousness into the next generation. Defending the rights of gay citizens argumentative essay about same sex marriage marry also dream of promoting equality and preventing discrimination. Gay marriage was avowed legal by some courts because the constitution forbids the creatio ow up with a single mom. Gay marriage should be legal worldwide. Gay marriage or same-sex marriage is when a man and man or women and a woman get married.

Same-sex marriage impacts society in different types of ways, some people are affected by it because they think it is against the bible, others seem to have no impact or problem with same-sex marriage. However for the gay community it affects them, because in some states they are not allowed to marry the one they are in love with it. Also it impacts them because there are groups of people against same-sex marriage and the gay community is constantly being judged by people opposed to same-sex marriage. Pew Research, 12 May However, argumentative essay about same sex marriage, straight marriage is not the right thing to do. Just because a person is happy, does not mean it is morally correct. Yes, everyone in the world needs to feel happy and accepted, but sometimes it is unnecessary acts that get people where they are in the world.

Why should other people be able to choose who marries who? If a man and a woman get married, no one seems to care. Have you ever been treated so unfairly, but knew there was very little you could do to change it? If so, then you know exactly how many of the homosexuals in the world feel about the right to marry. Many homosexuals feel that this right has been kept just out of reach for them, due to others who despise them. These individuals believe that being gay is wrong, immoral and disgusting; but this is definitely not the case. Gay marriage should be allowed in the United States because this decision supports the idea of equal rights, the effectiveness of children with homosexual parents, and this act would do no harm to society.

Some may argue in the bible it states it is wrong to be involved in a gay marriage. If two people love each other why can they not get married? There are so many arguments that can be brought up to justify marriage and for couples to receive benefits like any other couple. A gay person is no diffe y should someone be denied the right to get married just because they are gay? In his opinion, marriage is a connection of a husband and a wife. As everyone knows, beside gay marriage, abortion is also the hot issue of the world especially with the religion today.

Home Page Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage. Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The recognition of same-sex marriage is a political, social, and religious issue. Because of this same-sex marriage is a very controversial topic. Legal acknowledgement of same sex marriage is commonly referred to as marriage equality. Many advocates of marriage equality argue that laws restricting marriage to only heterosexuals discriminate against homosexuals. On the other hand advocates against same-sex marriage argue that it would undo long-standing traditions and change the meaning of marriage in a damaging manor. In this essay I will be arguing for same-sex marriage.

The arguments mentioned as well as others will be discusses throughout this paper. Firstly I will discuss the reasons for marriage equality. I argue marriage equality is in the best interest for family life. Allowing homosexuals to form stable committed relationships through marriage would allow for healthier homosexual relationships, argumentative essay about same sex marriage. Marriage naturally creates families; it provides the conditions for a healthy environment that is beneficial to the upbringing of children. Opponents of same-sex marriage often ground their arguments on parental and religious concerns, argumentative essay about same sex marriage. Many argue that sa me-sex marriage. However marriage is not solely defined as a relationship between a man and a woman.

The definition of marriage has varied throughout history. Depending heavily on religious and political views of an individual society. Quote and quote changing the meaning of marriage would not damage the meaning a marriage. It would still be the same argumentative essay about same sex marriage contract that it is today. In conclusion I argue that banning same-sex marriage is discriminatory. It is discriminatory because it denies homosexuals the many benefits received by heterosexual couples. The right to marriage in the United States has little to do with the religious and spiritual meaning of marriage. It has a lot to do with social justice, extending a civil right to a minority group. This is why I argue for same-sex marriage. The freedom to marry regardless of gender preference should be allowed.

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Additionally, gay marriages give homosexual couples the right to start families. Just like heterosexual couples, gay and lesbian partners should be allowed to start families and have their own children. Essentially, a family should ideally have parents and children and it is not necessary that the parents be a male and female. Same sex partners can easily adopt and bring up children if their marriage is legalized and recognized by the society in which they live Gerstmann, As one would concur, even some heterosexual couples are not able to sire their own children and resort to adopting one or even more. This is a right that should be extended to same sex couples too given that they may not be able to give birth on their own. Further, same sex marriage does no harm whatsoever to the institution of marriage, and is potentially more stable.

This makes it quite uncalled for to argue against or prohibit gay marriages. In yet another study, only 1. This implies that heterosexual marriages have a slightly higher dissolution rate on average than opposite sex marriages. It could then be argued that gay marriages are more stable than traditional man-woman marriages. The two types of marriages should thus be given equal chance because neither affects the other negatively. They also have more or less equal chances of succeeding if legally recognized and accepted. Opponents of same sex marriage may argue that it is important for children to have a father and a mother.

They may say that for children to have a good balance in their upbringing, they should be influenced by a father and a mother in their developmental years. Such arguments hold that homosexual couples only have one gender influence over the lives of children and that this is less fulfilling Badgett, However, the arguments fail to recognize that children under the parental care of same sex couples get to mingle with both male and female genders in various social places. At school, the children get to be cared for and mentored by both male and female teachers who more or less serve almost the same role as parents.

Those who are opposed to same sex unions may also argue that such marriages reduce sanctity of marriage. To them, marriage is a religious and traditional commitment and ceremony that is held very sacred by people. They contend that there is need to do everything possible to preserve marriage because as an institution, it has been degrading slowly over time. Their concern is that traditional marriages are being devalued by same sex marriages which are swaying people away from being married and instead choosing to live with same sex partners Nagle, It is clear here that such arguments treat marriage as a man-woman union only and are thus not cognizant of the true meaning of marriage. Moreover, they fail to recognize that traditions and religions should not be used against same sex couples because there are people who do not ascribe to any tradition s or religions.

Same sex marriage is a human right that should be enjoyed just like traditional heterosexual marriages. It protects the legal rights of lesbian and gay couples and allows them the well-deserved opportunity of actualizing their love in matrimony. In addition, it enables them to exercise their right to start families and bring up children. Arguments made against this form of marriage, such as that it undermines traditional marriages, are based on opinions and not facts. Moreover, it is not important for a child to have a father and a mother because there are other places in which they actively interact with people of different sexes. As such, it is only fair that all governments consider legalizing gay marriages.

Badgett, M. Patterns of relationship recognition by same-sex couples in the United States [PDF]. The Williams Institute. When gay people get married: what happens when societies legalize same-sex marriage. New York, NY: NYU Press. Gerstmann, E. Same-sex marriage and the constitution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Langbein, L. Same-sex marriage and negative externalities. Social Science Quarterly , 90 2 , Nagle, J. There are also the children that have one heterosexual parent and one homosexual parent and become very confused as to what is right and what they choose to believe. Next, I would like to point out same-sex marriage violates the sacred institution of marriage.

All Christians are raised having faith and believing in God that we are to follow his book that he created for us. The bible specifically states that same-sex relations much less marriage is a sin. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. They are full Of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Our country was founded on Christian beliefs and we have put God in everything that we believe in, so why should we bend the rules for this if it goes against everything that we are supposed to believe in.

We could have a horrible outburst of Americans fighting for legalizing things that are also unnatural and sinful and we would have a very serious problem on our hands. The bible clearly states that it is a sin to be in a homosexual relationship and it also tells us for wives to be with our husbands. We need to fix things while there is still time and room to fix it. All in all same-sex marriage is devastating to our children, our society, and our country. Many states have taken a stand and have banned same-sex marriage and were quick to do it when a few states allowed it. In conclusion, our country was founded on Christian beliefs and since the beginning of time marriage has always included one woman and one man.

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