Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Essay on teacher day

Essay on teacher day

We cannot give our teachers anything in return for their great job, we should always respect them and say thanks. The President of India distributes the national awards to teachers on the 5th of September every year. Read next article In many schools, students give dance performances,organize fancy dress competitions, give speeches and engage in many other activities while teachers give them. Speech on Teachers Day Celebration. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who served as the first vice-President and second President of India and also was a distinguished scholar and essay on teacher day teacher.

Short and Long Essay on Teachers’ Day

It is the day that we show our gratitude and respect toward teachers and their efforts. The teacher is one of the highly honorable jobs with responsibilities. Teaching task is very difficult because each student has different capabilities with a different mindset. A teacher has to understand every student and have to teach accordingly. Some students are good at sports, some are good at studies, some are good at crafting, etc. A good teacher brings out the hidden talents of a student. Behind every essay on teacher day person, there is a teacher who always encourages our talents. Therefore it this our minimum responsibility to thank our teachers. This is the reason that this day has been dedicated to showing respect and gratitude towards teachers.

Sarevepalli Radhakrishna. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna was born on 5th September Earlier, He was the President of India and a scholar, teacher, philosopher, and religious thinker. He was a professor in many famed universities such as Chennai, Mysore, Benaras, and Oxford. His students expressed their wish to celebrate his birthday every year. In response, essay on teacher day, Dr. Ever since this day is dedicated essay on teacher day all the Teachers across the country. Radhakrishna was an outstanding teacher and philosopher. He passed away on 17th April On this day students wear color dresses of their choice and perform dances, scripts, etc.

On this day students play the role of the teacher to make teachers feel happy. On this special day, students bring greeting cards, flowers, and many other gifts to their teachers, teachers also feel very happy to receive such huge respect from their students. Teachers day is celebrated on September 5th of every year on the birth anniversary of Dr. On this day teachers are honored with great respect and gratitude. Sarevepalli Radhakrishna was remembered on this occasion. The relationship between a teacher and a student will increase on this day.

Students plan to congratulate their teachers for their efforts. Usually, students congratulate teachers with pens, rose flowers, gifts, etc. A teacher should always give respect because every teacher tries to send their students on to the right paths of success. On this day teachers in schools, colleges, universities, etc are honored with huge respect. On this day, the government rewards and honors qualified teachers. Thus, there is a festive atmosphere for teachers as well as students throughout the day. A good teacher always is an inspiration to their students. A teacher not only makes us better each academic year. In the way of journey, A teacher teaches moral values which are important for a better society.

We all need to wholeheartedly congratulate our teachers and should obey them for their selfless service throughout the life of teaching, as well as for shaping the lives of students into successful inspiration to others. Teachers day is celebrated on 5th September every year in India. On this day Every school management conducts some special programs for the teachers and students organize this program with more enthusiasm. Teachers will also be very happy to receive huge respect from the students and the management. On this day students costume themselves as teachers and act as a teacher. All the great teachers are recognized for their hard work and efforts by the school management on this special day.

September essay on teacher day is the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the first Vice-President of independent India, he served the country as Vice-President from to and as well worked as a second President of the country from to essay on teacher day Radhakrishnan greatly respects the teachers, essay on teacher day. before joining politics, he taught in many institutes like Calcutta University, University of Mysore, and Oxford University. He was appreciated for his work and was also admired by his students. He believed that the teacher is the person who prepares the youth for the future of our country. This was the reason that he fulfilled this duty of professor so diligently and always tried to give good advice to his students.

When Dr. Radhakrishnan became the President of our country, his students expressed their wish to celebrate his birthday every year. As a teacher and a student work hard for the entire year for essay on teacher day results. The teacher helps students in guiding students for better learning. Dear Students and Children, you can download the Teachers Day Essay in the Hand Written Format by Clicking the Below Click Here Link. Sign in. your username. your password. Forgot your password? Get help. Password recovery. your email, essay on teacher day.

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We should follow all good lessons in our life taught by our teachers. It is said that nothing is there to compare from the teaching profession. It is the noblest profession in the world. It is celebrated every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of earlier India President, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan as well as pay honour to the teachers. The birth anniversary day of our earlier president has been dedicated to highlight the nobility of the teaching profession as well as contributions of our teachers in the society and country development. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was a great teacher who had spent around 40 years of his life in the teaching profession.

He was well known about all the roles and contributions of the teachers in students life. So, he was the first person who thought about teachers and requested his birthday means 5 th of September to be celebrated as the Teachers day every year. He was born on 5 th of September in and started his career as a philosophy teacher by entering to the teaching profession at his 21 at Presidency College, Chennai in He taught philosophy in many famous universities of the India as well as and abroad like University of Chennai, Kolkata, Mysore, Benares, Oxford in London, etc. Because of his committed dedication towards the teaching profession, he was appointed as the Chairman of University Grants Commission in in order to recognize his valuable services.

After serving the nation for a long period of time through his great services, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan passed away in on 17 th of April. Teachers are like real potters who not only give our life a shape, but also enable to lit like a lamp forever after dispelling the darkness from all across the world. So that, our nation can be enlightened with lots of bright lamps. Therefore, the nation pays homage and respect to all the teachers in the country. We can nothing give our teachers in return to their great job however; we should respect them always and say thanks. We should take a pledge to heartily respect and honour our teachers in our daily lives as without a good teacher we all are incomplete in this world.

Schools throughout our country are decorated and special events are organized to celebrate this event. Students as well as teachers participate in various events with full zeal. It is a day that offers a break from the usual school activities. So students particularly look forward to this day. Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President of India. He served the nation from the year to He also served the country as its second President from to Radhakrishnan held great regards for the teachers. Before entering politics, he taught at different universities including the University of Calcutta, University of Mysore and University of Oxford. He was appreciated for his work and was immensely loved by his students. He believed that it is the teachers who shape the youth who in turn shape the future of the nation.

This is the reason he did his job as a professor diligently and gave good values to his students. When he became the president of our country, his students expressed the wish to celebrate his birthday each year. Responding to them, Dr. It is a day to respect and value the efforts of the teachers who work tirelessly all year round. They are given a class full of students. Each student is unique and has a different calibre. Some students may be good in Sports others could be Maths genius while others may show keen interest in English. A good teacher helps the students explore their interest and identify their capabilities. The reason why a special day has been dedicated to people belonging to this profession is to give them respect and express gratitude.

Students dress up like their favourite teachers on this day and visit junior classes. They are assigned different classes where they go and teach on this day. This is great fun for both senior wing as well as junior wing students. They study as well as indulge in different activities during these sessions. The senior students ensure the school discipline is maintained all through and the juniors co-operate with them in the same. In many schools, junior students also dress up as different teachers and are asked to enact their role.

Competitions are held and the one with the best dress and role play wins the same. These activities usually take place in the second half of the day. During the first half, the senior students take the classes while the teachers relax and have fun in the staff room. Teachers are also seen dressed up beautifully. Most of them wear a Sari or some other special attire and go for great hair styles. The schools are decorated well to welcome them. Students especially stay back after school a day before to decorate the classes for this occasion. They apply various innovative methods to decorate the classes and also come up with creative activities for the day.

In many schools, students give dance performances, perform plays, conduct fancy dress competitions, deliver speeches and indulge in many other activities while the teachers watch them perform. In some schools collective activities are organized for students and teachers. This is all the more fun. They play different games and indulge in various activities together and bond well over the same. Students also bring Greeting Cards, Flowers and other gifts items for their teachers on this special occasion. The teachers also get delighted to receive different types of colourful gifts from their students.

A number of activities are planned on this day in various schools across the country. These activities are a good way to strengthen the bond between teachers and students. It is celebrated on 5 th September every year with great enthusiasm by the students across the whole nation. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who served as the first vice-President and second President of India and also was a distinguished scholar and excellent teacher. We celebrate this day just to remember him and pay him tribute for his great acts and achievements. Teachers Day is not about only those teachers who have taught us in Schools, Colleges or any other Institution but it is also about all those people who have ever taught us something valuable.

In the same way, a teacher is the creator of the future of the Nation. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born on 5 th September He was honoured with several awards including Bharat Ratna in , Knighthood in , and Order of Merit in Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan had also served as a teacher and professor during his early career. He was loved and highly respected by his pupils. He was elected the 2nd President of India on 14 th May Since then the birth anniversary of Dr. The most of the excitement can be seen among the students of pre college schools. They eagerly wait for the day to celebrate and tribute their teachers.

Various kinds of social and cultural events and especially acts based on teachers are organised in Schools and Colleges on this day. The preparation starts few days before the Teachers Day. The students prepare speeches and poems dedicated to their teachers and perform them on the stage. They also prepare some beautiful gifts, greeting cards and flowers for their teachers. Also many quizzes, essay competitions and other such events are organised by authorities. The celebration usually starts with cutting of cake by the teachers. It is not necessarily done in every institution but most of the institutions, Schools and Collages do so.

Students also bring presents for their favourite teachers. Teachers accept the gift and respect of their students and fill them with their love and blessings. Students also decorate their School and Classroom beautifully to surprise their Teachers. Teachers or Gurus in Indian society have always been respected and worshipped as God. The Hindu culture also places a Guru before self and God. It is observed on the birth anniversary of Maharishi Ved Vyasa, the legendary Guru and the author of Hindu epic Mahabharata. The day is primarily dedicated to spiritual and religious gurus and is observed devotedly by the Hindus of the Indian subcontinent. The day is observed to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr.

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a philosopher, teacher, and statesman who served as the first Vice President and second President of India. When Dr. Radhakrishnan was serving as the President and was interacting with his students and admirers in the President House, they asked him for permission to celebrate his birthday. They play a crucial role in the development of the nation and therefore must be honored and respected. The day honors the teachers for the role they play in the development of a community. The idea was to felicitate teachers who have contributed to a specific field or helped educate the community, as a whole.

He wrote many books spanning over a wide range of genres and topics from journalism, history, and philosophy. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the first Vice President and the second President of India who was also an exceptional teacher and had taught in several Indian universities. The recommendations are standard guidelines to address the status and concern of teachers from around the world. Teachers play a significant role in spreading knowledge and building society. Some do exceptional work in a specific field or subject while others are excellent teachers and are loved by their students. Many teachers have played a significant role in the development of a particular subject. To state a few examples — Friedrich Froebel, a German educator, an educational reformer who introduced Kindergarten in the 19th century.

Another inspirational teacher was Anne Sullivan from America who was a teacher by profession. She taught Helen Keller, and highly impaired girl and helped her graduate as Bachelor of Arts and also as the first deaf-blind person to achieve that feat. The day lets us remember the efforts our teachers make to build our careers, to shape our personalities, and to the development of the society as well as the nation. The day also addresses the concerns of teachers and the problems faced by them. It draws the attention of the world leaders and administrators to address these issues faced by the teachers in the society so that they can serve it the same dedication as they have done for ages.

Whether we felicitate them or address their concerns it sends a message to them that the society loves and cares for them, which plays a crucial role in boosting their morale and subsequent development of the society. The first Teacher's Day was celebrated in India in The National Award for Teachers is the national award given to meritorious teachers on every teacher's day. The President of India distributes the national awards to teachers on the 5th of September every year. World Teacher's day is celebrated on 5th October since Mother is called the first teacher for every child on this earth. I am a writer with no particular genre of choice. Though, I like to write on issues that concern the general populace. I also love to know people, communities and cultures from close quarters.

I write to satisfy the writer in me and also to keep you updated on several topics.

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